23.01.29 Today’s Leetcode
460. LFU Cache (hard)
아이디어는 count to a orderedDict를 연결하는 maps를 만드는 것이다.
class LFUCache:
def __init__(self, capacity: int):
# data structure 1: dictionary which maps key to count
# data strcuture 2: dictionary which maps count to a orderedDict
self.capacity = capacity
self.used = 0
self.cache_key = dict()
self.cache_orderedCount = dict()
self.min_cnt = 0
def get(self, key: int) -> int:
val = -1
if key in self.cache_key:
val = self.cache_key[key][0]
old_cnt = self.cache_key[key][1]
self.cache_key[key][1] += 1
# update the count dictionary
del self.cache_orderedCount[old_cnt][key]
# insert the key into the new count dictionary
new_cnt = self.cache_key[key][1]
self._updateCacheCountDict(key, val, new_cnt)
# update the min count
if self.min_cnt == old_cnt and len(self.cache_orderedCount[old_cnt]) == 0:
self.min_cnt = new_cnt
return val
def put(self, key: int, value: int) -> None:
if self.capacity <= 0:
if key in self.cache_key:
self.cache_key[key][0] = value
old_cnt = self.cache_key[key][1]
self.cache_key[key][1] += 1
new_cnt = old_cnt + 1
del self.cache_orderedCount[old_cnt][key]
self._updateCacheCountDict(key, value, new_cnt)
# update the min count
if self.min_cnt == old_cnt and len(self.cache_orderedCount[old_cnt]) == 0:
self.min_cnt = new_cnt
# the key is not in cache yet
if self.used < self.capacity:
# the cache is not full, we can directly add the new key value pair
self.cache_key[key] = [value, 1]
self._updateCacheCountDict(key, value, 1)
self.used += 1
self.min_cnt = 1
# the cache is full
rm_key, rm_val = self.cache_orderedCount[self.min_cnt].popitem(0)
del self.cache_key[rm_key]
# add new key value
self.cache_key[key] = [value, 1]
self._updateCacheCountDict(key, value, 1)
self.min_cnt = 1
def _updateCacheCountDict(self, key, value, new_cnt):
if new_cnt not in self.cache_orderedCount:
self.cache_orderedCount[new_cnt] = OrderedDict()
self.cache_orderedCount[new_cnt][key] = value