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1784. Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones (easy)

def checkOnesSegment(self, s):
        return '01' not in s

855. Exam Room (medium)

class ExamRoom:
    import heapq

    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.heap = []
        self.len = n

    def seat(self) -> int:
        n = len(self.heap)
        # print(self.heap, n)
        if n == 0:
            heappush(self.heap, 0)
            return 0
        elif n == 1:
            a, b = self.heap[0], self.len - 1 - self.heap[0]
            if a > b:
                heappush(self.heap, 0)
                return 0
                heappush(self.heap, self.len - 1)
                return self.len - 1
            dis = -1
            pos = -1
            for i in range(n - 1):
                p = self.heap[i + 1] - self.heap[i]
                if dis < p:
                    dis = p
                    pos = (self.heap[i + 1] + self.heap[i]) // 2
            heappush(self.heap, pos)
            print(self.heap, n)
            return pos

    def leave(self, p: int) -> None:
        for i in range(len(self.heap)):
            if self.heap[i] == p:

# Your ExamRoom object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = ExamRoom(n)
# param_1 = obj.seat()
# obj.leave(p)