23.01.14 Today’s Leetcode
1061. Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String
group을 어떻게 구현할지 고민하게되는 문제였다. 이 문제에서 중요한건 equivalent한 character들을 어떻게 group하는지가 관건이었는데,
처음에는 list와 set을 이용하여 구현하려고 하다가 이 방식으로 구현하면 너무 memory가 overflow 될것 같아서 다른 방식으로, lower letter
alphabet 이라는 contradiction을 이용하여 간단하게 O(n)
memory만을 이용하여 구현하였다.
아이디어는 간단하다, group_id
라는 개념을 이용하는데 같은 그룹일 경우에 같은 group_id
를 가지고 새로운 그룹을 만들어야 할 때 마다
새로운 group_id
를 할당하여 그룹의 추가 및 삭제를 비교적으로 자유롭게 할 수 있게 만들었다.
class Solution:
def smallestEquivalentString(self, s1: str, s2: str, baseStr: str) -> str:
n = len(s1)
group = [-1] * 26
count = 0
def index(c):
return ord(c) - 97
def re_index(n):
return chr(n + 97)
for i in range(n):
a, b = s1[i], s2[i]
c, d = group[index(a)], group[index(b)]
if c >= 0 and d >= 0:
# add two set
for i in range(26):
if group[i] == c or group[i] == d:
group[i] = count
count += 1
elif c >= 0 and d == -1:
# add 'b' to set c
group[index(b)] = c
elif c == -1 and d >= 0:
# add 'a' to set d
group[index(a)] = d
# add set with 'a', 'b'
group[index(a)] = count
group[index(b)] = count
count += 1
temp = [99] * count
for i in range(26):
num = group[i]
if num >= 0:
temp[num] = min(temp[num], i)
res = ''
# print(group)
for s in baseStr:
group_id = group[index(s)]
if group_id == -1:
res += s
res += re_index(temp[group_id])
# res += chr(temp[group_id] + 97)
return res
또다른 Solution, Union and Find
나중에 읽어보면 좋을것 같다. 출처 md2023 link
# UF is a hash map where you can find the root of a group of elements giving an element.
# A key in UF is a element, UF[x] is x's parent.
# If UF[x] == x meaning x is the root of its group.
UF = {}
# Given an element, find the root of the group to which this element belongs.
def find(x):
# this may be the first time we see x or y, so set itself as the root.
if x not in UF:
UF[x] = x
# If x == UF[x], meaning x is the root of this group.
# If x != UF[x], we use the find function again on x's parent UF[x]
# until we find the root and set it as the parent (value) of x in UF.
if x != UF[x]:
UF[x] = find(UF[x])
return UF[x]
# Given two elements x and y, we know that x and y should be in the same group,
# this means the group that contains x and the group that contains y
# should be merged together if they are currently separate groups.
# So we first find the root of x and the root of y using the find function.
# We then set the root of y (rootY) as the root of the root of x (rootX).
def union(x, y):
rootX = find(x)
rootY = find(y)
# set the root of y (rootY) as the root of the root of x (rootX)
UF[rootX] = rootY