23.07.19 Today’s Leetcode
435. Non-overlapping Intervals (medium)
class Solution {
public int eraseOverlapIntervals(int[][] intervals) {
if (intervals.length == 0) return 0;
Arrays.sort(intervals, (a, b) -> a[1] - b[1]);
int end = intervals[0][1];
int count = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++) {
if (intervals[i][0] >= end) {
end = intervals[i][1];
return intervals.length - count;
2446. Determine if Two Events Have Conflict (easy)
class Solution:
def haveConflict(self, event1: List[str], event2: List[str]) -> bool:
def convert(time):
return int(time[0:2]) * 60 + int(time[3:])
event1 = [convert(time) for time in event1]
event2 = [convert(time) for time in event2]
print(event1, event2)
return not (event1[1] < event2[0] or event2[1] < event1[0])
437. Path Sum III (medium)
class Solution:
def pathSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], targetSum: int) -> int:
def dfs(cur, num):
if not cur: return 0
temp = 0
num += cur.val
if num == targetSum:
temp += 1
temp += dfs(cur.left, num)
temp += dfs(cur.right, num)
return temp
def help(cur):
res = 0
q = deque([cur])
while q:
tar = q.pop()
res += dfs(tar, 0)
if tar.left:
if tar.right:
return res
return help(root) if root else 0
with HashMap
class Solution:
def pathSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], targetSum: int) -> int:
hashMap = {}
self.count = 0
def dfs(node, targetSum, acculatedSum, hashMap):
if node == None:
newAcSum = node.val + acculatedSum
if acculatedSum in hashMap:
hashMap[acculatedSum] = hashMap[acculatedSum] + 1
hashMap[acculatedSum] = 1
if newAcSum - targetSum in hashMap and hashMap[newAcSum - targetSum] > 0:
self.count = self.count + hashMap[newAcSum - targetSum]
dfs(node.left, targetSum, newAcSum, hashMap)
dfs(node.right, targetSum, newAcSum, hashMap)
hashMap[acculatedSum] = hashMap[acculatedSum] - 1
dfs(root, targetSum, 0, hashMap)
return self.count