class Solution(object):
def ways(self, pizza, k):
:type pizza: List[str]
:type k: int
:rtype: int
m = len(pizza)
n = len(pizza[0])
# dp[k][r][c] represents the number of ways to cut the remaining pizza into k pieces
# starting from row r and column c
dp = [[[None] * n for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(k)]
# preSum[r][c] is the total number of apples in pizza[r:][c:]
preSum = [[0] * (n+1) for _ in range(m+1)]
for r in range(m-1, -1, -1):
for c in range(n-1, -1, -1):
preSum[r][c] = preSum[r+1][c] + preSum[r][c+1] - preSum[r+1][c+1] + (pizza[r][c] == 'A')
# Start the recursive function dfs with initial parameters
# m = number of rows, n = number of columns, k = number of pieces we need to cut the pizza into,
# r = row index where we start cutting, c = column index where we start cutting
return self.dfs(m, n, k-1, 0, 0, dp, preSum)
# Recursive function to compute the number of ways to cut the remaining pizza into k pieces
def dfs(self, m, n, k, r, c, dp, preSum):
# If the remaining piece has no apple, then it is an invalid cut and we return 0
if preSum[r][c] == 0:
return 0
# If we have found a valid way to cut the pizza into k pieces, then we return 1
if k == 0:
return 1
# If the dp array already contains the number of ways to cut the remaining pizza into k pieces
# starting from row r and column c, then we return the value from the dp array
if dp[k][r][c] is not None:
return dp[k][r][c]
ans = 0
# Cut the pizza horizontally at position nr if the upper piece contains at least one apple
for nr in range(r+1, m):
if preSum[r][c] - preSum[nr][c] > 0:
ans = (ans + self.dfs(m, n, k-1, nr, c, dp, preSum)) % 1000000007
# Cut the pizza vertically at position nc if the left piece contains at least one apple
for nc in range(c+1, n):
if preSum[r][c] - preSum[r][nc] > 0:
ans = (ans + self.dfs(m, n, k-1, r, nc, dp, preSum)) % 1000000007
# Memoize the result in the dp array and return the result
dp[k][r][c] = ans
return ans